Saturday 10 April 2010

A Time to Reflect

I sat this morning with my Polish in-laws as the news of the tradgedy at Smolensk airport came in. Immediately the phone started ringing as all of my Polish family rang to convey the news. It was a little ray of sunshine to note that the grapevine was faster than even the mighty Sky News in the search for information.

It really is a shock to everyone that this happened and my heart goes out to everyone who will be touched by this in the days to come, not least the families of the victims. It made me pause and reflect on just how quickly it can all come to an end whether you are the President of Poland or a poor shcmuck like me. No doubt in the next few days the finger of blame will be pointed at all and sundry and the simple fact that some people died will be lost amongst the scandal and the conspiracy theories. I've already heard that it was a Russian bomb and that the pilot was drunk and Lech ordered him into the ground but frankly none of this speculation really matters at the moment. Now is a time to cherish those close to you.

Speaking of tradgedies it really grips me when people blow their own out of all proportion in order to suck up some sympathy or to sell a book/story/article, take for instance Miss Navratilova. A much loved tennis star. I was genuinley sad to hear that she is battling with cancer, right up until the point, and I hope it isnt true, that she said it was her own personal 9/11.

Really, so you are comparing your one illness with the suffering of thousands of people eh. Maybe we should drop a building on top of you to see if it matches up. Actually lets just douse you in aviation fuel, set you on fire and then throw you from 700 ft. Martina I hope you get well soon, I really do but lets put it in perspective, your fight is nothing like a national tradgedy.
Rant over... I hope the families of those involved today and Miss Navratilova have peace in the days to come and find comfort in the fact that no matter what, someone will always be at their side.

Not me... Jesus.